In just a few hours, we will be closing our page 365 for the year 2014, so how was your year? Did you cross out all of your 2014 to do list? Well in my case, I didn’t, haha. But im still thankful for I had unexpected life realizations and surprises from our universe which makes my 2014 a roller coaster ride of emotions. I know I have said before that I wish that time would stop even just for a while, but now that I am sooooo over my graduation blues, I am really looking forward and excited to what will my 2015 be like.
Wednesday, December 31, 2014
Friday, December 19, 2014
8 things I love about Christmas
Christmas season is just around the corner, again. Isn’t it unbelievable how time flies really fast? It seems like it wasonly yesterday that I was wrapping Christmas presents and helping out my mom in the kitchen prepare our Noche Buena. I’m not complaining though, Christmas season is one of my most favorite holidays, here’s why:
Sunday, November 30, 2014
Neverland Manila 2014
Neverland Manila is defenitely one for the books for me. This is my first music festival, this is where i splurge my first salary from my first real job! Haha. This is also where i finally met one my favorite DJ's, Afrojack. I don't know how would i express that night into words, i feel like i got the chance to break free from all the pressure and expectations just for one night, i forgot all the stress in my life, all the imperfection and flaws, my insecurities, all of them gone when the DJ's start to drop their beat, this is where I got to experience the feeling of being alive, be crazy and just dance the whole night, the feeling of just being me and carefree without caring what the other people will say.

Friday, July 25, 2014
Twisted Again
In a few weeks from now, Im officially opening a new chapter in my life where I would face the "real world" :P
It may not be what i have imagined nor planned to do after college, but maybe the universe is fond of giving me surprises everytime a new chapter in my life is about to unfold, haha. like studying in PLM, my plans after high school got twisted because of my application for PLM but looking back and receiving my college diploma from a reputable school is more than anything i could ask for.
Monday, July 21, 2014
Waiting is Good
Waiting makes us impatient, uneasy, feel mixed emotions, think about what if's and the negative thoughts. It feels like we are trapped in our own regrets and if only we could fast forward to the day/things that we are preparing to, or hear the result of something we worked hard for, or can't-wait-for-the-friday-night-out-with-my-girlfriends, we would definitely want to do it in a fingersnap or with a blink of an eye!
Friday, July 4, 2014
Bucketlist 2014: Learn to play Billiards
One of my bucketlist this year was to Learn how to play Billiards, and today, i officially crossed it out, so Yey me! :D The moment i almost-know-how-to-use-the-cue-stick-properly, I can't put it down! Its too addicting! I want to play another set of rounds over and over until I master the art of Billiards, Haha. So im planning to work really really reaallyy hard so i could afford and have my own set of Pool table and include it in my dream house. :D
Tuesday, July 1, 2014
Napintas Dijay Pangasinan!
Napintas Dijay Pangasinan is an ilocano term which means, Maganda ang Pangasinan! :)
Okay so Summer 2014 is officiallyyyy over, and almost everyone is facing the reality of life again, students goes back to school, some are now saying hello again to more stress and paper works, while some are feeling lazy and having a hard time looking for a job. Haha. No more beach outings or spontaneous swimming weekends. Time flies really fast whenever you're having a good time, and before we know it, its already Hello Christmas season again!
Tuesday, June 24, 2014
Let your Will be done
Guess what! I passed the initial interview yesterday! Whohooo! *insert happy dance here* One step closer to my dream, hihi. I didn't expect/plan to do something like this back when i was still studying, and i never thought that i will be given an opportunity like this. Well, everything happens for a reason and everybody starts from the bottom, and I know that God is giving me opportunities like this for me to learn and improve my skills and whatever he wants me to improve.
Im hoping that i would nail this final interview later. Let your will be done Lord! Kakaya natin to ng magkasama :) ❤
Sharing you some words of success from my Calendar and Daily Bread Cards. :)
Sunday, June 22, 2014
Ask and you shall Receive
Yesterday i was reminded by the universe that "Everything really happens for a reason". I had a veryy busy day last weekend, and I never thought that my saturday errands would be connected to my sunday activities. I would not elaborate further, but we usually hear the mass every 3:30pm and since my brother was assigned to participate in the high mass, we attended the 6pm mass. And much to our surprise, Father Rolly was the priest presider, our favorite priest! And we saw The Cruz brothers, Rayver and Rodjun. Haha. Im not really a super fan of artists, but hey, they both dance really good and are soo good looking and macho brothers, so yeah :D
Anyway, Prayers can really do wonders! During the mass yesterday, i listened attentively to the homily and prayed with sincerity. I lifted up everything, my dreams, my doubts, my insecurities, and asked for guidance, "ikaw na bahala Lord" i told him. And this morning, wala pang 24 hours, i received a text message, and boy oh boy! I was invited for an interview. Ang galing talaga niya! I had mixed emotions after reading the text messages over and over, and said to myself na, "Eto na yun! Eto na yung simula, haha!" I know that God's dreams for me is bigger than my own.
"Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.
I really hope i could pull off the interview tomorrow, I hope that i would excel and pass it. I know I can, nothing is impossible through him! Wish me luck ❤
Elai :)
Monday, June 16, 2014
Happy Father's Day!
To my Papa,
one of the greatest macho papa in thee world everr! ❤
Thank you for everything, for all the hardwork, blood, sweat, tears and time you've spent just to provide us the best of the very best! I know I haven't achieved anything grand yet, but soon i will. Promise yan! All your dreams for me, i will work really really reaally hard to achieve them. :)
Stay fit and be healthy always! iloveyou so much Macho Papa. I will forever be grateful for having a father like you! :)
Happy Father's Day! Love love loooooove! <3
Elai :) ❤
Tuesday, June 3, 2014
2014 Bucketlist ❤ UPDATE!
Can you believe it? Year 2014 is 6 months old already, time really flies fast! And its time for me to update my 2014 Bucketlist and see if i was halfway through it. haha!
~ Graduate College. Photo diary here :)
~ Fly a Kite.
~ Be confident when speaking in English. (Observing my english proficiency, Im not really that good in speaking in english fluently and when speaking it out orally, i stutter A LOT most of the time! Haha)
~ Learn and speak a new language, specifically Ilocano and Spanish, or maybe French, or German, Korean, Japanese, and my list goes on. haha :P
~ Boracay Beach Body. No explanation needed, who wouldn't want one right?
~ Receive flowers on an ordinary day. (Surprises makes me Happy. haha. *ehem ehem* )
~ Maintain the cleanliness in my room and improve the OC-kind-of-person in me.
~ Attend a summer camp. Please see my photo diary for this one here :)
~ Dinner on a cruise with matching fireworks fireworks.
~ Bungee Jumping!
~ Sleep under the stars again.
~ Get my OJT Certificate. (almost half a year ko na siyang hindi nakukuha. haha)
~ Make 20 Laps in a 50m pool.
~ Grow my hair to 30inches.
~ Skydiving
~ Attend a concert
~ Build a giant sand castle.
~ Buy flowers for Mama.
~ Buy something for Papa,
~ Catch a fish.
~ Learn how to surf
~ Learn to say "NO"
~ Learn to play Billiards.
~ Plant a Tree.
~ Send a message in a bottle.
~ Start your own business. (please do shop @EveryythingNice ^__^ )
~ Color Fun Run marathon.
~ Donate blood.
~ Dance in the rain.
~ Play billiards.
~ Find a job.
~ Find a job.
For my Wanderlust Dream:
~ TRAVEL OVERSEAS, i know its impossible for me to cross out at least half from this list this year, but who knows right? Maybe I might (and MUST! Haha) Nothing is Impossible ❤ #praying
* Japan
* Korea
* Paris
* New York
* Thailand
* Egypt
* Dubai
* Dubai
* Africa
* Greece
* China
* Spain
* Disney Land
~ Quiapo Fiesta *Makasampa sa andas ni Nazareno, or mahawakan yung lubid.
~ Have a tour around Intramuros. Funny how im studying within the vicinity of Intramuros for 4 years now, and i still haven't got the chance to roam around like tourists do
~ Visit and explore Boracay. This includes the different activities that i could do there such as Cliff Diving, Parasailing, Surfing, Scuba Diving, Jetskiing, and as usual, my list goes on. haha!
~ Visit 21 different churches in a month before my 21st birthday.
~ Visit Palawan's Underground River and the so called magestic Coron.
~ Baguio, Strawberry Farm ❤
Monday, May 26, 2014
Camp Calye Flight P314 - College Alabang (Video)
If you were reading and following this blog for some time now, you will remember my post about how breathtaking the location we had was during our Camp Calye P314, now im going to share the video so you could see how much fun we had during those 4 days with God while having a great time!
Credits to kuya Godwin Gasacao for the video. hehe :)
Can't wait for next year's Camp Calye! <3
Elai :)
Credits to kuya Godwin Gasacao for the video. hehe :)
Can't wait for next year's Camp Calye! <3
Elai :)
Tuesday, May 13, 2014
I am worth the Wait
I saw this article from the magazine FISH - December 2013 Issue and I suddenly had the urge to immediately share it to all of you, haha. i dedicate this post for those who think they are not complete whenever they are not in a relationship, to those who are losing hope in finding their soul mate, i hope you'll have the chance to read this article here in my blog because this is really a good read :)
This article was written by Dana Jane Naval.
To know more about Jason and Crystalina Evert, visit :)
Hope this article inspired you, God Bless! ❤
Elai :)
Sunday, May 11, 2014
Happy Mother's Day
To my sexy momma, my bff, my twin sister, my mini wallet, my fashion critic, fitness instructor, house mommy, and a whole lot more! HAPPY MOTHERS DAY MA ❤ As much as i wanted to make this long and very dramtic, i'll just keep this greeting sweet and simple (just like you!) Thankyou for everything, especially whenever you prioritize us first before yourself, for all the understanding, and for the long patience you give us every single day to the never ending love and care.
ps, sorry Ma wala akong gift, next time promise, ako naman mang ii-spoil sainyo ni Papa. :) Iloveyou so much Ma! i'll make you proud soon, kayo ni papa. Smile smile lang, love love love! Look up, look up, shake shake shake. Haha. :* ❤❤
Elai :)
Saturday, May 10, 2014
Camp Scenery
Ahh, i suddenly remembered our Flight P314, i've never felt this inspired and motivated since i got home from the camp. I miss the ilog, the trees, the chirping birds, the stairs,the 5mins ligo, the grass, the tent, everything from the campsite! Those endless laughters, the tears we have shed, the stories made, the praises and worships from the soul, most especially PepsiViolet! Grabee, in just four days, iba yung naging bond, sobrang SOLID, ang saya lang, sobrang gaan sa pakiramdam na makasama sila, parang meant to be na magsama sama kami. :") Haha! Hello guys,miss ko na kayooo ❤
Here are some sceneries from our camp, all photo credits goes to those who took them, kuya IC, Kuya Godwin, kuya Dan, Kuya JC, and yung iba pa. I just grabbed this from our group. hehe :)
Unexpected Motivation
As i was browsing my Facebook earlier, i saw this shared link on my news feed that goes "10 Things You Need To Tell Yourself In Order To Survive A Quarter-Life Crisis" i've decided to open the link and as I was reading, i was nodding and saying yes to every number and word in the article, i feel like the article is directly speaking to me. I want to say thankyou to Ms. Samantha Matt for writing this well said and very motivating article, I wasn't expecting to feel this good and be motivated at this hour of the day (im about to sleep actually. haha) its like all my graduation blues vanished, that all my thoughts and feelings about this new chapter of mine become more clearer and i feel relaxed. :)
For those who are in their 20's out there that feels like they are worthless and feeling whatever, here's a good read. Hope this will make you feel better and be inspired! :)
"Welcome to your mid 20s: home of the quarter-life crisis. You’re getting older, you’re supposed to be getting wiser and the pressure to grow into a responsible adult is in full swing.
However, there’s no need to freak out about it all; you should be enjoying this time in your life. So grab a glass of wine, take a deep breath and remind yourself of the following 10 things over and over again.
Everything will (maybe) feel better afterward.
1. You’re not special.
After years of getting trophies just because your parents signed you up for dance class or the local soccer league, of course you feel like you should be recognized for every little thing you do. I mean, how could you not? There are entire ceremonies dedicated to the fact that YOU graduated from high school and college. Some people even have their own graduation parties where everyone celebrates the fact that they accomplished something most other people also accomplish.
After you’re done with school and you’ve entered the real world, things get real. No one wants to celebrate you, no one wants to compliment you and no one wants to give you a job. This might hurt, but once you realize that you’re not special, rejection will feel normal and will only make you feel stronger.
2. Everyone is not having more fun than you are just because it looks like it on Facebook and Instagram.
Most people can make their lives look interesting and awesome by uploading photos and using emojis. I’m sure you’ve made other people think you were having more fun than them on social media with your tagged photos from Saturday night. To you, those updates weren’t that special, but to the person on his or her couch, binge watching Netflix and feeling lonely, those updates make you look like a God.
Pictures might say 1,000 words, but your 1,000 Facebook friends probably don’t know what any of those words actually are.
3. You DO have friends.
After enduring years of forced social time (school), you might feel lonely when you graduate from college and that ends. You start working and since (most) jobs do not provide forced social time, you’ll feel as though you’re not socializing at all. But you are socializing — just not as much. You have people you can call to go shopping and get drinks and anything else you want to do. Just because this isn’t a weekly or daily occurrence doesn’t mean you don’t have friends.
You’re busy; they’re busy. That’s life. You might (and you probably do) have fewer friends than you did during and before college, but that doesn’t mean you don’t have friends.
4. Stop comparing yourself to others.
Don’t feel bad because you don’t have “as good of a job as so-and-so.” Don’t beat yourself up because so-and-so (supposedly) makes way more money than you do (I mean, maybe he or she does, but people tend to lie about their salaries). Don’t feel like you have to enter a relationship, go out for a night on the town, or get engaged just because other people are doing it.
Do YOU. This isn’t a race; this is life. If you keep doing you, eventually, everything will fall into place. No two people are the same.
Tuesday, April 29, 2014
Baccalaureate Mass & Graduation Day
PS. this is a very long post. :D
We guys did it! One thing I learned over my graduation Blues is that, when a door closes, the windows are still open, and if the windows are closed as well, use the back door. I have finished my student life chapter in my book, but just like they say, every ending is a new and better beginning. We are now one step closer in reaching our dreams, let us fly high and believe in ourselves that we can do anything possible. That with our determination to succeed, we will conquer anything. :")
We guys did it! One thing I learned over my graduation Blues is that, when a door closes, the windows are still open, and if the windows are closed as well, use the back door. I have finished my student life chapter in my book, but just like they say, every ending is a new and better beginning. We are now one step closer in reaching our dreams, let us fly high and believe in ourselves that we can do anything possible. That with our determination to succeed, we will conquer anything. :")
Thursday, April 3, 2014
9 Things to do after Graduation
Sharing you first my graduation photos from pre-school up to my college level. hehe :)
If you're a recent graduate or soon to be ( like me ) who's hesitant (and not 100% ready yet!!) to jump into the "real" work world, consider doing something else with your time, like interning, volunteering, or traveling. However, whatever you choose to do, make sure you think hard about your decision, as you want to be sure you have quality experiences to list on your resume when you do choose to begin the search for a more permanent career. (Thankyou Jobsearch)
Wednesday, April 2, 2014
Not Ready Yet x Boracay Scenery
A few weeks from now, im officially graduating from college, i will have to start my own career and pursue my dreams. I will be facing a new chapter in my life where freedom, consequences, adventures and responsibility will be all rolled into one. Honestly, im quite mentally emotional right now, haha! i feel like im meditating and talking to myself everyday, i don't know how and where to start, its like im in a race where im in the starting line frightened, while everyone is so prepared to run and are just waiting for the gun to be fired.
Sunday, March 16, 2014
Graduation Photos BTS
In a few weeks from now, I will be graduating college aaand im having mixed emotions about it. haha. Im excited, im scared, feeling giddy, and Clueless, thats exactly how i define my self right now, I still dont know what should I do after graduation, or where would i be a few months from now, my goal is really clear and shining bright like a diamond, but i dont know, maybe you call this graduation blues? Haha. im still not ready for the real world. I dont want to leave college yet, i still need to improve my selfconfidence, boost my self esteem more, be confident with everything, and be pretty! Haha. Ive got a lot of things I still need to improve BUT! I know that I can do it, i WILL achieve it, through my determination, with God beside me, i will focus more and accept my flaws and love myself more. Haha. ❤✈🙏
Thesis It
Sleepless nights, stressful days, cramming moments, endless revisions, superb multi tasking, unli kwentuhan, memorable overnights, bankruptcy, data gatherings, going out for surveys, meeting different kinds of people, praying that everything will be alright, non stop preparations, memorizing and studying for defense, and the list goes on. These are just a few of the hardships one would encounter whenever doing a Thesis.
In my case, I am so happy, very lucky, and thankful to have my close friends as my thesis-mates. They did not only taught me the meaning of responsibility but they also taught me that friendship together with trust, love, understanding, and prayer.. we could conquer and achieve anything that is possible. :)

Tuesday, February 11, 2014
What to do on Hearts Day?
2 more sleep and it will be Valentines Day! Hihi. I know that it will be a day full of flowers, chocolates, and hearts, surprises, romantic songs, and of course, there would be bitterness for some. (Hello to my single friends out there! Im here, I still love you with all my heart and my hairstrands. Haha. #clingy) ❤
Valentines Day is NOT exclusively for couples to celebrate. It is a day where you get to express yourself or show the people you love the most feel loved. In my case, i have lots of special people in my life that i cherish and love the most. :))
Monday, February 10, 2014
Shell Eco Marathon 2014
A few days ago, Shell had an event about eco friendly cars that was built by college students both in and out of the country. And I am so glad and proud to say that i took part in this event, that i was lucky enough to be chosen as one of the crew that would help the assistance team. It was a surreal kind of experience for me, because first of all, i feel like im in the disney movie "Cars" haha. And because Shell Eco Marathon was held here in Manila, Philippines for the first time! AND, add the fact that this is an international event, who couldn't say no right? ;)

Thursday, January 9, 2014
Black Nazarene 2014
I was this close to crossing out this one in my bucketlist, we were just a few feet away from the Black Nazarene and a few inches from the Rope. I was really tempted to run and join the crowd in touching him or just try to hold the Lubid, but i wasn't able to do it because my Mama said that its too dangerous and we dont have any experiences with overcrowded moments like that :( Maybe i'll try and prepare for next year or the year after next year. Haha. Who knows right? I might, and maybe Someday, i will.

2014 Bucketlist ❤ :)
For my first blogpost this 2014, i am listing all the things i want to try and achieve, and the places that i want to visit and explore this year. Im crossing my fingers and reallyyyyyyy hoping to cross out at least half of it. :) i might also update this post once in a while since i know that i will be adding more thingssssssss to try and visit new placesssss this year. haha.
but for now, here's a list to start a few . :)
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