Neverland Manila is defenitely one for the books for me. This is my first music festival, this is where i splurge my first salary from my first real job! Haha. This is also where i finally met one my favorite DJ's, Afrojack. I don't know how would i express that night into words, i feel like i got the chance to break free from all the pressure and expectations just for one night, i forgot all the stress in my life, all the imperfection and flaws, my insecurities, all of them gone when the DJ's start to drop their beat, this is where I got to experience the feeling of being alive, be crazy and just dance the whole night, the feeling of just being me and carefree without caring what the other people will say.

Honestly, I told myself before not to be part of the nightlife, because i thought that they are just wasting their time, that they should just sleep and be a lola. I remember posting a picture on my IG account that i prefer to read books on a friday night instead of going out, (i still do) but boy oh boy, because of my curiousity, i ate all my words, haha!
Okay so done with my life realizations. Here's a photo diary of my Neverland experience :)
Afroooojaaackk 😍
I now know why some are into this kind of lifestyle, why they embraced the EDM industry. Can't you feel hyped and giddy and just want to jump and be fascinated by just looking at these photos? Haha. Ii can't express it through words, but one thing I have understand about this event is to never judge a book by its cover, and to never EVER judge one thing if you haven't experience it yet.
Ahhhhh, i can't wait for #NeverlandManila2015. Im having this neverlandmanilasepanx! I want to replay my videos over and over again. It feels like love at first sight, haha. Nakakakilig! 😍 Haha.
Hope you had enjoyed my photo diary and felt giddy and hyped as well. Hope to see you next year at Neverland Manila 2015 😘
PS, photo credits to owners of some of the photos above.
Elai ;)
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