In just a few hours, we will be closing our page 365 for the year 2014, so how was your year? Did you cross out all of your 2014 to do list? Well in my case, I didn’t, haha. But im still thankful for I had unexpected life realizations and surprises from our universe which makes my 2014 a roller coaster ride of emotions. I know I have said before that I wish that time would stop even just for a while, but now that I am sooooo over my graduation blues, I am really looking forward and excited to what will my 2015 be like.
Despite the surprises, the twist and turns of my career, I’m still happy, because I’m slowly (but surely) learning to know more about myself. This year has taught me on how to really know what is right from wrong, to give more importance to those people and things that really matters. And even though what I’m doing right now may be too far from what I have planned to do nor too big to be proud of, I am very thankful to be where I am right now.
And as I close my page 365 for the year 2014, I hope that we all learned from our mistakes this year, and be optimistic in welcoming the new year. Can’t wait to see what 2015 has to offer!
From our family to yours,
Elai ♥
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