A few days ago, I turned 22, and instead of having any
birthday blues and a big birthday celebration, I feel so loved by everyone and really
thankful to spend it with the people close to my heart. I have written down a
few things and imagined what I want for my future to be like. Haha! I was told
before that if you have a dream and wants to achieve it, you should write it on
a piece of paper or cut out pictures of it and pin or post it where you can always
see it. Because that way, you will always be reminded and be motivated to do everything for it.
1. Happy Family
2. Always Travelling
3. Fair skin tone :P
4. Fabulous Wardrobe
5. Manage a luxury resort and a private club / bar.
6. My Dream Job.
7. Own a house with a swimming pool, a garden, a balcony, a theater
room and a gym.
8. Do Charity donations
9. My own Yacht
10. More quality time with the Parents & brother ♥
I have posted it here since this is my little space from the
website world, and hopefully blogger won’t shut down till after 180 years so I
could still reread all my entries even when I’m 70 years old already and show
my future children(s) and grandchildren(s) (hahaha :P) this little space of
Few days left and it’s officially SUMMER 2015!! Yipeee! Who’s
excited? I know I am. :D
Elai ♥
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